The Pollock Pines Elementary School District is located in Pollock Pines, El Dorado County, California. We are 50 miles east of the capital city of Sacramento and 45 miles west of Lake Tahoe. Our elevation is 4,000 feet in the Sierra Nevada. We are located in an unincorporated area of El Dorado County. The historic town of Placerville is 15 miles west on US Highway 50. There are approximately 5,000 residents of Pollock Pines.
We enjoy the services of the El Dorado County Sheriff's Department and the El Dorado County Fire Protection District, as well as the US Forest Service and the California Department of Forestry. Marshall Hospital, located in Placerville, is an up-to-date medical facility with an outstanding cadre of Doctors, Nurses, and qualified assistant medical staff. El Dorado Transit provides transportation services around the county. We are surrounded by the Eldorado National Forest, and have four definite and beautiful seasons. We are known as the Gateway to the Sierra and Nature's Wonderland. Visit our links page to take a cyber tour of the beautiful area we live in.
The Pollock Pines School District has two schools at this time. Pinewood Elementary School, a California Distinguished School, is a K-4 school with approximately 340 students. Our middle school, grades 5-8, also a California Distinguished School, is Sierra Ridge Middle School, with approximately 250 students. Each school is staffed with a principal and a fully credentialed teaching staff, along with a school secretary and classroom aides. We have a nurse on staff, as well as a school psychologist. The district speech pathologist is nationally certified (ASHA:CCC-SPL) and state licensed, in addition to having an advanced degree in speech pathology. We have full special education services and Title One reading programs. Each school has a full cafeteria. We provide administrative services to the Silver Fork School District, a small district east of us in the American River Canyon. We have excellent transportation, maintenance and kitchen staffs. We constantly strive to provide the very best education for all of our children. The district supports a variety of community and school based programs. We are supported by a pro-active and involved school board from our community. Our Board of Trustees meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:00pm, at Emigrant Trail room B-2 located at 2701 Amber Trail in Pollock Pines.